5 Reasons for Low Breast Milk Supply & Methods to Increase Milk Supply

5 Reasons for Low Breast Milk Supply & Methods to Increase Milk Supply

Increased pressure on milk-making cells can decrease milk supply. This pressure can come from leaving milk in the breast, skipping feedings, wearing restrictive clothing or bras, and breast implants.


⏱️ Increased pressure on milk-making cells decreases milk supply.
⏱️ Leaving milk in the breast after feeding increases pressure.
⏱️ Skipping feedings can cause engorgement and pressure on breast tissue.
⏱️ Wearing restrictive clothing or bras increases pressure on milk-making cells.
⏱️ Breast implants can cause increased pressure on breast tissue and cells.
⏱️ Check out a video on how to increase milk supply if you're struggling.
⏱️ Pressure is the killer of abundant milk flow.
Key Insights
- 👶 Leaving milk in the breast after feeding and skipping feedings can increase pressure on milk-making cells, leading to a decrease in milk supply.
- 👙 Wearing restrictive clothing or bras can also cause increased pressure on milk-making cells, affecting milk supply.
- 💉 Breast implants take up space in the breast, causing other tissues and cells to change shape and increase pressure, potentially leading to a decrease in milk supply.
- 🍼 Understanding the factors that increase pressure on milk-making cells is crucial for maintaining a healthy milk supply.
- 🤱 Pumping or hand expressing after feeding can help ensure the breasts feel empty and reduce pressure on milk-making cells.
- 📺 Additional resources are available to help increase milk supply if pressure-related issues persist.
- ⚠️ Pressure is the main factor to watch out for when it comes to maintaining a sufficient milk supply.