What are signs of autism in baby?

What are signs of autism in baby?
5 Signs of Autism in Babies  
For me parenting has been a splendid experience that has brought me unspeakable joy and a lot of new knowledge. Parenting for many of us is experiencing the process of growth of our tiny babies, followed by noting every little change and accomplishment of theirs with admiration. Even though we should not confuse the infant as autistic, it is important to be watchful for those signs which may be associated with the autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Getting tested early in an infant's life is essential since early intervention and support lead to people, parents as well as the kids, staying strong on their individual paths. All right, then, together let us bounce in on the exciting journey providing an insight into the five signs of autism in infants.

Communication Challenges:
Communication is the basis of any relationship between any persons and the way babies move to grasp it is amazing. Yet, babies with autism may develop the language a little bit later than usual or may face difficulties in a non-verbal communication. They could be unresponsive upon being mentioned by name, keep their head forward yet without the eye contact or show the limited gestures such as pointing and waving. These signs, although they are quite discrete, are one signal of autism.


Repetitive Behaviors:
Plenty of children involve in some autistic behaviors at the early late stages of their childhood, but what's more interesting, is that sometimes this behavior shows the autism of the child. Get ready for redundant motions, e.g., hand flapping, rocking, or spinning. Babies with autism usually show a sticking to certain things or behave similarly compulsively and incomprehensible play patterns. It is these practices which protect them from the outside world just like their standing on the surf and their viewing the wind will help them find comfort and unite their sensory experiences.

Social Interaction Difficulties:
The ones I cherish most are the ones in which you can interact with other people. This is the very beginning of the 'beautiful dance' we do from birth onward. In the case of babies they next thing they usually do is staring at faces, they search for toys and start to play, and they also begin to imitate others. Whereas ‘normal’ babies are notorious for not being able to socialize and people call them ‘social monsters,’ babies who have autism may have problems interacting with others. They may look distant from others or avoid eye contact as well as scratch with the issue to tot the progressing conversation, such as smiling to the words told, or babbling at someone who is talking to him/her. These behaviors will be early indicators if the baby has autism.


Sensory Sensitivities:
The world is the melody of the art around eyes, sounds, and body for babies. On the other hand, hypersensitivities could be surprising issues in some cases for autistic children. Maybe they may feel too loud/ uncontrollable, or textured/touching/not pleasant. From this, the child may put the hands over their ears when a noise comes off loud. In addition, the kid might exhibit a dislike or strong aversion to some clothing textures, like rough textures. By identifying these interpersonal peculiarities we can spot some of early signs of autism.

Unusual Play Patterns:
Play is one of the most important avenues of the development for a child: it helps children to explore and discover their world as well prepare them for the future. Nevertheless, the babies who are diagnosed with autism, may perform in the play pattern which are usually different. They may show a strong interest in some particular objects by preferring to stay with and work with them, rather than deciding to use different playing objects at their free will. These preference in turn inform us about how they build relationships and the way they deal with the world’s challenges.


The early recognition of the symptoms of autism in babies is vitally important as the intervention and support for those babies starts at early stage. Always don’t forget among all, every child is just different; and these symptoms by themselves do not ensure an autism diagnosis is being made. If you notice any of those signs in your baby, it is crucial to be referred the professionals within the healthcare personnel who specialize in developmental problems. If it comes to the early detection and jumping in, with support, the autistic kids are able to actually flourish and have their best possible selves. Let's make them the targets of our regard and establish a society where people's differences are taken as reality, and with love and acceptance, we shall live as one.

Let us discusse five signs of autism in babies, emphasizing that having one or two signs does not necessarily mean a child is autistic. It encourages seeking professional advice for a proper diagnosis. let me share my personal experience with my son, who is autistic, and offers the important advice of entering the child's world to better understand and connect with them:


🚩 First sign: Little to no eye contact,  Sign of little to no eye contact may indicate autism, but it is important to seek professional evaluation for an accurate diagnosis.
🚼 Second sign: Content with being alone , Babies being content with being alone does not necessarily mean they are autistic, but it can be a sign worth observing.
😊 Third sign: No social smile , Lack of a social smile in response to others' smiles may be an indicator of autism.
🗣️ Fourth sign: Not babbling , Not babbling or a sudden regression in babbling can be a sign of autism in babies.
🧩 Fifth sign: Difficulty understanding cause and effect, Difficulty understanding cause and effect, as well as fixations on certain objects, may suggest autism in infants.
🌍 Advice: Entering the child's world and showing understanding is crucial for building a connection with an autistic child.
💡 Insight: Importance of seeking professional diagnosis and not relying solely on signs. Seeking professional diagnosis is essential to receive proper guidance and support for children with autism.