How to Give Your Newborn Baby a Shower: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Give Your Newborn Baby a Shower: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Give Your Newborn Baby a Shower: A Step-by-Step Guide

Bathing a newborn can be a delightful experience, but it also requires care and preparation to ensure it's safe and enjoyable. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you give your newborn a shower.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before you begin, make sure you have everything you need within reach:

  • Baby bath tub or basin (or use the sink if it's clean)
  • Soft washcloths
  • Mild baby soap and shampoo
  • Hooded towel
  • Baby lotion or moisturizer
  • Soft brush for hair (if needed)
  • Bath thermometer (optional)
  • Water (for filling the tub or basin)

Having all your supplies ready will help you avoid leaving your newborn unattended.

Step 2: Prepare the Bath Area

Safety First

  1. Choose a suitable location: A bathroom is ideal, but you can also use a kitchen sink or a shallow basin.
  2. Ensure the area is warm: Babies can get cold quickly, so make sure the room is comfortably warm (around 22-24°C or 72-75°F).
  3. Lay down a non-slip mat: If using a tub, place a non-slip mat to prevent slipping.

Step 3: Fill the Bath

Water Temperature

  1. Fill the tub or basin with about 5-7 inches of water.
  2. Check the water temperature: It should be around 37-38°C (98.6-100.4°F). Use a thermometer or your wrist to test it.

Step 4: Prepare Your Baby


  1. Undress your baby: Gently remove their clothes and diaper.
  2. Wrap them in a towel: Keep your baby wrapped in a towel until you're ready to place them in the water.

Step 5: Showering Your Baby

Getting Started

  1. Hold your baby securely: Support their neck and head with one arm while using your other hand for washing.
  2. Gently lower them into the water: Start with their feet and slowly lower them into the bath, keeping them close to your body for reassurance.

Washing Techniques

  1. Wet the washcloth with warm water (no soap yet) and gently wipe your baby’s face and neck.
  2. Apply a small amount of mild baby soap to the washcloth and wash their body, starting from the neck down to the toes. Pay special attention to skin folds.
  3. Gently wash their hair (if needed) using a tiny amount of baby shampoo. Rinse carefully, ensuring no soap goes into their eyes.

Step 6: Rinse and Dry

Rinsing Off

  1. Gently pour warm water over your baby to rinse off soap. You can use a cup or a handheld showerhead on a low setting.
  2. Be cautious: Avoid pouring water directly on their face.

Getting Out

  1. Lift your baby out of the bath carefully, supporting their head and neck.
  2. Wrap them in a hooded towel immediately to keep them warm.

Step 7: Aftercare


  1. Pat your baby dry gently: Avoid rubbing their skin.
  2. Apply baby lotion or moisturizer to keep their skin hydrated, especially if they have dry skin.


  1. Dress your baby in clean clothes and a fresh diaper.
  2. Give them a little cuddle: This helps them feel secure and loved after the bath.

Step 8: Clean Up

Post-Bath Routine

  1. Clean the bath area: Rinse out the tub and wash any used towels or washcloths.
  2. Store away all supplies: Ensure everything is organized for next time.

Tips for a Smooth Experience

  • Stay Calm: Babies can pick up on your emotions, so stay relaxed.
  • Make it Fun: Sing songs or talk to your baby to make the experience enjoyable.
  • Practice Patience: Take your time and don’t rush the process.


Giving your newborn a shower can be a joyful bonding experience. By following these steps, you can ensure that bath time is safe, comfortable, and fun for both you and your little one. Remember, every baby is different, so adjust your approach based on your baby's comfort and preferences. Happy bathing!