How to give a new born Baby care at home?

How to give a new born Baby care at home?

Always secure your baby in a car seat when going home. Wait for the baby's cord to drop off before giving them their first bath. Lay the baby on their back for safe sleeping. Remove teddies and soft toys from the baby's crib. Sleep with the baby in your room for at least six months. Assess feeding if there is a reduction in wet and dirty nappies. Watch out for abnormal skin rashes and blood in the baby's stools.


 🚗 Always secure your baby in a car seat when going home. Test the seat with a teddy bear beforehand. Securing the baby in a car seat is crucial for their safety during travel.
🛁 Wait for the baby's cord to drop off before giving them their first bath. Watch out for rashes and yellow skin. Waiting for the baby's cord to drop off before bathing ensures proper healing.
🛏️ Lay the baby flat on their back in the cot for safe sleeping. Use breathable blankets and remove teddies. Safe sleeping practices reduce the risk of SIDS and suffocation.
 👶 Sleep with the baby in your room for at least six months. Avoid smoking and follow co-sleeping guidelines. Keeping the baby in your room promotes bonding and allows for easier monitoring.
🍼 Monitor wet and dirty nappies to assess feeding. Rust color staining is normal in the first 48 hours. Monitoring wet and dirty nappies helps assess the baby's feeding patterns.
 🩲 Watch out for abnormal skin rashes and discharge in baby girls. Blood in the baby's stools is not normal. Being aware of abnormal skin conditions and discharge helps identify potential health issues. 🩸 Blood in the baby's stools should be reported as it may signal a problem.