Possible reasons for not losing your weight
Trying inappropriate diet and exercise routines can prevent weight loss or even increase weight. Calories are a unit of measure indicate the amount of energy in foods and drinks. The body needs number of calories to function.
Your body converts any excess calories into fat & accordingly increase your overall weight. The body can only lose weight when it is burning more calories than it needs. You can lose weight through diet and regular physical activity. However, many factors can prevent weight loss:
- Depending on exercise without having any the diet
Exercise is an effective way to burn calories, but to experience any significant weight loss, a person needs to combine exercise with diet and getting fewer calories. The body burns most of its calories through its basal metabolic rate such as digesting food and breathing. Even brain activity burns calories. Physical activity as body’s movements consume a much smaller amount of energy. Household activities and walking up the stairs consider as physical activity. Structured physical exercise as sports and instructional programs in dance, gymnastics, swimming) burns an even smaller proportion of calories. Without a diet with sufficient reduction in the number of calories , it is very difficult to lose weight through exercise.
- Choosing fashion diet
Some Fashion diet may focus on the loss of water and muscle, rather than fat. Such diet can be unproductive for weight loss. However The most effective and healthful diets have significant variety of food and balanced kinds of food. It is important to consume fewer calories, but do not use extreme restrictions diets.
Engaging in different types of exercise can also affect weight loss. it is important to know that Anaerobic exercise include heavy weight training or sprinting that receive all their energy from glucose stored in muscles, can build muscle and burn fat but, because muscle weighs more than fat, there will be no reduction in weight. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, aerobic exercise that depend on a continuous supply of oxygen for energy has a direct effect on weight loss, but anaerobic exercise alone does not. Both types of exercise have great advantages for overall health, but the debate may be on which is most useful for weight loss.
Drinking many sugary drinks may prevent weight loss. the sugary drinks do not fulfill your hunger any provide you with insufficient amount of energy that may lead to increase of your weigh.
Irregular sleep & insufficient sleep may affect your weight loss. Lack of sleep may disrupt the body’s ability to regulate hunger. Professionals highlight that poor sleep can increase the risk of gaining of weight and diabetes.
It is important to highlight that drinking too much alcohol can prevent weight loss.
Most takeaway foods are high in fat, salt and help you gain more weight
what you need to know about Fat burning heart rate:
Doctors clarify fat burning heart rate as the rate at which a person’s heart should beat per minute to achieve maximum fat burning results.
A person’s heart rate may indicate the intensity of the exercise or activity that they are doing. When you sit or be in rest , your heart rate is usually 60-100 per minute. This rate is a person’s resting heart rate. When a person exercises, their heart rate starts to increase. Your maximum heart rate is the highest heart rate you can achieve, often during high intensity exercises.
Medical professionals identify the following : The fat burning heart rate falls between these two extremes. The fat burning heart rate is based on the maximum heart rate.
"To calculate the maximum heart rate, you should subtract their current age from 220. For example, a 40-year-old’s maximum heart rate would be 180 beats per minute. To calculate the fat burning heart rate zone, a person should determine the upper and lower limits. The upper limit is 70% of the maximum heart rate. The lower limit is about 50% of the maximum heart rate. Using the same example, a 40-year-old’s fat burning heart rate is between 90 (50% of 180) and 126 (70% of 180) beats per minute." by Medical today News