Pregnant or nursing mother ? Here are the most important tips related to fasting Ramadan.

Pregnant or nursing mother ? Here are the most important tips related to fasting Ramadan.

First of all, it should be emphasized that you consult your doctor if you can fast or not. If fasting will negatively affect your child's health, then you have the legal license to break the fast.

If you choose to fast, here are the most important tips to preserve your health and the health of your child

First, if you are pregnant.

1) Be sure to drink a large amount of water between Aftar & suhoor.
2) Avoid eating fatty meals immediately when breaking the fast. It is better to start with healthy soup and salad.
3) Avoid large quantities of food at once, but rather divide the breakfast meal into several meals.
4) Replace juice and soft drinks with water and curd.
5) Make sure to eat fiber and fruits to avoid constipation.
6) Limit your caffeine intake as much as possible.
7) Make sure to eat a complete and satiating meal for breakfast.
8) Make sure you sleep enough hours.

As for the advice given to the nursing mother, it is the same as the advice given to the pregnant woman, with a focus on:

1) Drink plenty of water.
2) Focus on different calcium sources such as milk, cheese and dairy.
3) Eat bananas to make up for magnesium deficiency.
4) You can use physical stimulation devices to stimulate milk, find out more about this device.

In conclusion, remember that the needs of your body are different for all women, and your ability to tolerate fasting varies. If you feel tired, do not hesitate to break your fasting.

pregnancy, breastfeeding, fasting, Ramadan, mother in Ramadan, pregnant fasting