Top 5 Tips For Keeping Your Baby Healthy

Top 5 Tips For Keeping Your Baby Healthy

As a parent, it's natural to want what is best for your child - you want them to feel safe and secure, as well as be healthy and happy. It can sometimes be difficult to provide that 24/7 protection, so teaching healthy habits from an early age is one of the greatest gifts you can give.

Read on below for our top 5 tips on maintaining your baby's wellbeing:

Proper Nutrition

One of the most important ways to keep your baby healthy is to make sure they are getting proper nutrition. When it comes to nutrition, you want to provide variety and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Every child is different, but a well-balanced diet for infants and toddlers should include:

- Whole grains

- Lean proteins

- Fruits and vegetables

- Healthy fats

- Dairy products

There are also some important essential nutrients your child needs for growth and development, such as Vitamin D, Iron, Calcium, and Omega 3 fatty acids. To ensure your child is getting all of these, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor and a nutritionist to make sure your baby is getting all the nutrients they need.


Exercise is just as important for babies as it is for adults. Exercise helps improve both physical and mental development in babies. Regular physical activity helps babies develop stronger muscles, bones, and joints, as well increases energy levels and improves their concentration.

When it comes to exercise, babies need short bursts of activities like tummy time and fun playtime. You can provide your baby with toys and equipment that helps to strengthen their muscles by supporting their body as they learn to move. Even spending time outdoors will help with babies’ balance, strength, and coordination. As babies get older, you can introduce more activities like time on swings, rides and slides, as well as water play.

Encouraging exercise at an early age is important and can help babies remain healthy throughout their childhood.

Adequate Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential for babies. Sleep helps to promote healthy brain and body development, bolstering the immune system, improve concentration, and so much more. It's all about setting healthy sleep habits for your baby, so it’s important to stick to a consistent sleep routine.

This means that you should follow the same bedtime routine every night, ensuring a peaceful transition for the baby into the world of dreams. Making sure the baby’s nursery is calm and peaceful with no outside noise will help them to sleep soundly through the night. You can also make use of a night light so the baby isn't disturbed by darkness.

It's also recommended to start good sleep habits early on to help your baby learn how to self-soothe, as well as to limit any sleep regressions during common milestones like teething. During the day, make sure your baby is getting the right balance of playtime and naps to ensure they get the rest they need.



Good hygiene is essential to keeping your baby healthy. Hygiene routines should be started early on, setting the foundations for the future. Here are some tips that you can use to keep your baby healthy and clean:

- Bathe your baby two or three times a week and wash their face, hands, and bottom area every day.

- Clip your baby’s nails regularly, as they can scratch themselves with their sharp nails.

- To help prevent potential illnesses, it is important to keep your baby away from dirt, pollutants, and other potential contaminants.

- Make sure your baby's toys are cleaned and properly sanitised; this will help prevent the spread of germs and bacteria.

- It is important to keep your baby's environment clean, as babies can be affected by germs from their environment. Make sure to keep their bedding, mats and other materials clean and hygienic.

Good hygiene plays an integral role in keeping your baby healthy and protected from illnesses. Ensuring that your baby is cleansed and protected from environmental hazards will help keep them safe and healthy.

Mental health

One important aspect of your baby's health that is often overlooked is mental health. Stress and anxiety can have a negative impact on your baby's physical and mental health, so it is important to do what you can to reduce their stress levels. Here are some tips for keeping your baby's mental health in check:

1. Spend quality time – Spending quality time with your baby cuddling, playing, and reading can help reduce their stress and anxiety levels.

2. Use calming scents – Essential oils such as lavender and chamomile can reduce stress and anxiety. Use an oil diffuser to help your baby relax and calm down.

3. Play calming music – Calming music can be very soothing for your baby. Try playing classical music or even white noise to help your baby relax.

4. Read stories – Reading stories to your baby can help to calm them down and reduce stress levels.

5.Use relaxation techniques – If your baby is feeling anxious, it can help to use relaxation techniques such as meditation and focussed breathing exercises.