What are Baby Monthly Milestones? How Should a Baby Grow?

What are Baby Monthly Milestones? How Should a Baby Grow?

Baby milestones are developmental stages that babies reach at their own pace. These milestones include recognizing faces, cooing, holding their head up, rolling over, crawling, and speaking words like "mama" and "dada" by their first birthday.



  •  1 month old: Notices faces, recognizes voices, starts to coo and make sounds.
  •  2 months old: Recognizes people, follows objects with eyes, holds head up.
  •  3 months old: Distinguishes faces, has different cries for different needs, plays with others.
  •  4 months old: Giggles, copies facial expressions, reaches for toys, pushes up when lying on tummy.
  •  5 months old: Rolls over, explores toys with mouth, self-entertains for short periods.
  •  6 months old: Creeping, sitting unaided, understanding simple words, responds to name.
  •  7 months old: Enjoys simple games, responds to "no," finds partially hidden objects.
  •  8 months old: Crawling, standing while holding onto something, developing pincer grasp.
  •  9 months old: Becomes wary of strangers, copies sounds and gestures, points to things.
  •  10 months old: Explores objects in different ways, pulls to stand, feeds self finger food.
  •  11 months old: Understands object permanence, crawls up stairs, develops separation anxiety.
  •  12 months old: Responds to requests, uses basic gestures, speaks simple words, takes steps. 


Key Insights


-  Babies reach milestones at their own pace, so it's important not to compare them to others. Each child is unique in their development.

-  Recognizing faces and voices at an early age shows babies' ability to form attachments and build relationships.

-  As babies gain head control and start to push up when lying on their tummy, they are building the strength needed for further physical development. - ️ The development of different cries and the ability to understand simple words indicate babies' growing communication skills.

-  Engaging in play and social interactions with others is crucial for babies' cognitive and emotional development.

- ️ The development of fine motor skills, such as reaching for toys and using fingers to point, shows babies' improving hand-eye coordination.

-  The ability to crawl, stand, and take steps marks a major milestone in babies' gross motor development.